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Let nn and kk be positive integers, and let n>kn>k. Suppose we have to place nn identical balls into kk identical boxes. Then there will be at least one box in which we place at least two balls.

Proof by Contradiction

Let us assume there is no box with at least two balls. Then each of the kk boxes has either 0 or 1 ball in it. Denote by mm the number of boxes that have zero balls in them; then certainly m0m \geq 0. Then, of course, there are kmk-m boxes that have one. However, that would mean that the total number of balls placed into the kk boxes is kmk-m which is a contradiction because we had to place nn balls into the boxes, and kmk<nk−m \leq k < n. Therefore, our assumption that there is no box with at least two balls must have been false.

Theorem (Generalized Pigeon-hole Principle)

Let n,mn, m, and rr be positive integers so that n>rmn>r m, and let us distribute nn identical balls into mm identical boxes. Then there will be at least one box into which we place at least r+1r+1 balls.


Just as before, we assume the contrary statement. Then each of the mm boxes can hold at most rr balls, so all the boxes can hold at most rm<nr m<n balls, which contradicts the requirement that we distribute nn balls.

Components of Inductive Proof

Inductive proof is composed of 3 major parts : Base Case, Induction Hypothesis, Inductive Step.

  1. Base Case: One or more particular cases that represent the most basic case. (e.g. n=1n=1 to prove a statement in the range of positive integer)
  2. Induction Hypothesis: Assumption that we would like to be based on. (e.g. Let's assume that P(k)\mathrm{P}(\mathrm{k}) holds)
  3. Inductive Step: Prove the next step based on the induction hypothesis. (i.e. Show that Induction hypothesis P(k)\mathrm{P}(\mathrm{k}) implies P(k+1)\mathrm{P}(\mathrm{k}+1))

Weak Induction, Strong Induction

The difference between weak induction and strong indcution only appears in induction hypothesis. In weak induction, we only assume that particular statement holds at kk-th step, while in strong induction, we assume that the particular statment holds at all the steps from the base case to kk-th step.